If Jesus Asked You

Have you anything to eat?

1/29/12 SCC Luke 24:36-43



1. Jesus suddenly appears before the disciples 36

            But (shift) while they were telling these things: [that is, the Emmaus road report explaining about the journey and Jesus revealing Himself at the meal v 30-31. Imagine the thoughts in the room now during these discussions—what is God going to do next?]

            Jesus appears in their midst standing among the disciples. [He appears as quickly as he disappeared in Luke 24:31].

            And says peace to them. [Here the greeting is one of comfort, wishing them well with a promise of peace for these anxious disciples].

NB: Peace is certainly what they needed. Peace of mind and thought as they were still grappling with the idea of Jesus resurrection. Luke wants us to see that they are still adjusting to the reality of the resurrection. Luke will stress the appearance of the physical features of Christ in order to provide witness that the resurrection is indeed a real event.


2. The disciples mistakenly react 37

But (shift) they were startled [be alarmed].

            And they were frightened [terrified].

PT: Both of these words convey a rattled group harassed by their fears and lack of comprehension of the fast and furious events coming at them from all directions—Jesus appearances; Emmaus road testimony; Peter’s testimony; and their own questions.

             Thinking they are seeing a ‘spirit’.

1. It is clear that they did not immediately recognize that it was Jesus. The idea of ‘spirit’ here is of a disembodied person.

2. It is also clear they were not expecting another appearance of Jesus Christ amongst them. Even at this stage the disciples do not seem to be operating with expectations of the miraculous, which is odd given the miraculous surrounding His life and ministry all along.


3. Jesus attempts to calm them with a touch 38-40

Asking two questions Jesus makes the attempt:

1. Why are you troubled?  

2. And why do doubts arise in your hearts? 38

The first question addresses their alarming mood, which is clearly evident by their reaction to his sudden appearance. The presence of an unknown disembodied spirit would of course be alarming and Jesus wants them to recognize who he is.

The second question addresses their inability to perceive who he is. They have been reflecting just a while ago on reports from both Peter, an insider, and the two on the Emmaus road, outsiders, both having seen Jesus. Yet the disciples are again slow to perceive the truth, neither expecting Jesus to be raised nor that he should keep appearing.

A. They need to be persuaded like everyone else.

B. They seem just as skeptical as the rest of the people.


39 Jesus asks them to use their own senses to remove the fear and doubt.

1. See my hands and feet. [This is probably a reference to the marks of Jesus crucifixion on his body. Those marks have not disappeared with his resurrection body. Only this passage and John 20:25 suggest that Jesus was nailed to the cross.

2. That it is I, myself. [Jesus identifies himself emphatically with this statement. There is no mistaking that it is indeed, Jesus. All of the markings indicate so.]

3. Touch me and see. [Here Jesus asks them to handle him and see for themselves. So in addition to their eyes they are to use their sense of touch. They are to handle Jesus. Interesting that the Evangelists go out of their way to authenticate the actual, literal, and physical resurrection of Jesus Christ. The record is consistent throughout Acts and the Epistles. John even writes nearly 40 years later in 1 John 1:1 What was from the beginning what we (apostles) have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled concerning the Word of Life.

4. For a spirit has no flesh and bones.

This verse is the only one that describes the resurrected body as having flesh and bones. This is not a phantom or a vision. It is Jesus, raised form the dead, whose body has been brought back to life. It has characteristics of a physical body but carries them differently and in such a way that his initial appearance is startling. This body has an additional dimension of reality—passes through things, disappears and reappears.

1.A spirit has not taken his place nor is Jesus just a spirit.

2. The person buried in the tomb is raised and transformed with a new body.

3. Though in a way that still leaves traces of his former existence—nail prints in his hands and feet.


40 Touch confirms Jesus’ presence.

And He showed them his hands and feet [Jesus shows the disciples both his hands and feet as he calls them to handle him. There should be no doubt that God has indeed done a miraculous work.]


4. Jesus attempts to calm them with a meal 41-43

41 It dawns on the disciples.

            But while they still could not believe it overwhelmed with joy and amazement.

PT: Here is a rhetorical expression of amazement. This moment is incredible as it dawns on them that this is really happening. It is hard to believe. Joy begins to well up within them. Their belief is growing and is enhanced by this very moment.

            Jesus asked them for something to eat. [Here Jesus removes all doubt amongst them and frees them from their sense of terror. A meal shows that it is not a phantom but a real person, resurrected, and able to eat. All along Jesus works to convince them and persuade them and remove their anxiety.]


42 But (shift) they gave him a piece of broiled fish. [So some would say we should not eat fried fish because Jesus ate broiled fish. There is no command here and examples are not commands. The apostles never make a case for eating only broiled fish. Cooked fish is even available in the city of Jerusalem.]


43 And he took it ate it in front of them. [So the empirical evidence of Jesus’ resurrection is stated very simply: He appears to them, speaks with them, and eats before them. Truly he is raised from the dead. Jesus enjoyed a meal in front of the disciples; he really is in their midst and this is the lesson Luke teaches by recording this appearance here.]



1. Think about how Jesus goes out of His way to convince the disciples of His resurrection. When it comes to the truth, we should be willing to reason, persuade and give evidence of the truth. Paul did the same in Acts as he witnessed of Jesus resurrection to unbelievers in Thessalonica, Athens, Corinth, and Ephesus (Acts 17-19). We should be ready a=to give an answer to anyone who asks us.

2. Our proclamation is based on physical evidence and historical reality. Our faith is not in faith. Jesus provides the physical evidence that is consistent testimony throughout the New Testament. The disciples handled him and He ate with them. All of this is eyewitness testimony that Jesus truly was physically dead and resurrected.

3. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a literal fact. He is alive today as was continually witnessed of by the apostles. Jesus himself told us He would return one day since he is resurrected and alive. So we can anticipate a return appearance just as He said.