Faith in Jesus’ Name
A Collins
How is Jesus described in this passage?
What is the significance of this message
by Peter?
What does it mean to repent in this
When it comes to the
Christian faith there is no name front and center than that of Jesus Christ. If
we were to advertise Christianity on a marquee out front it would say Jesus
Christ. If a front page article written about the Christian faith it would read
Jesus Christ. If radio dj or tv announcer were to introduce the Christian faith,
they would begin with the name of Jesus Christ.
If history books written about the Christian faith the pages would speak
of Jesus Christ. Christianity is Christ. Peter was the first to preach in the
name of Jesus Christ. The healing of the lame man drew a large crowd and so
Peter seeing this takes advantage of the moment to proclaim Jesus Christ.
Before doing so, he asks two questions to clear up any confusion the crowd may
have had about the source of this healing. First, why do you marvel at
this? Since they had a covenant with
this miracle working God, miracles had played an
important role in their history. They had even recently seen Jesus, claiming to
be God doing these same kind of miracles. That God
should work another one through His apostles should be no surprise. Second, Why do you gaze at us as if by our own power or
piety we had made him walk? They should have known that 2 Galilean
fisherman were incapable of this. Since they had rejected God’s testimony in
the prophets, in Christ and now the apostles, they were left with no
explanation for what they had seen. So attention is directed away from Peter
and John to Jesus Christ. 1. A LOT CAN BE SAID ABOUT WHO JESUS IS & WHAT
HE DID FOR US 13-18 There are at
least 5 descriptions of Christ that stress the implications of His being
(1) Servant in vs. 13 Here is
stressed God’s covenant faithfulness to Israel as the God of Abe, Isaac,
Jacob, of our fathers. This same description had been used previously in
the OT (Ex 3:6, 15-16; 1 Kings 18:36; 1 Chr 29:18; 2 Chr 30:6; Mt 22:32; Acts 7:32) on significant occasions as
continuity with the OT prophets describing the same God they preached and
Messiah they promised. Servant Jesus reminds us of the suffering servant
described in Isa 42:1-4 and even Jesus described
Himself as one who came to serve not be
served (Mt 20:28). Notice
that when his suffering was over he was glorified vs. 13. Don’t
be concerned with glory just be a servant. Those who humble themselves will be
exalted. To ever be an effective servant you must remove the profit motive from
others from your service.
(2) Jesus This description emphasizes the
salvation and deliverance He has provided for us. You shall call His name
Jesus for it is He who will save His people from their sins (Mt 1:21). There
have been a lot of false views of Jesus in the world. The Jews in Jesus day had
one too. And it motivated them to have Jesus crucified vs. 13b. Even Pilate had
recognized Jesus’ innocence not less than six times (Lk
23:4, 16, 22; Jn 18:38; 19:4, 6) and repeatedly
sought to release him (Lk 23:13-22). Confronted with their guilt and sin, biblical teaching doe this
because it is the foundation of the gospel message. The good news of the
gospel must be preceded by the bad news of sin. Only ones seeing self as sinner
also see need for a Savior.
(3) Holy and Righteous
One vs. 14 To be
holy means to be separated to God (Psa 16:10). Righteous means innocent here of any crime. Contrast this
with the unholy and unrighteous murderer they chose in His place. Even Pilate’s
wife (Mt 27:19) & Roman guard (Lk 23:47)
recognized Jesus innocence and righteousness but His own people did not. What
an indictment.
(4) Prince of life 15-17 Note the
series of paradoxes so far: Altho Jesus a
servant, God exalted Him; He was their deliverer, yet they delivered him to
death; they rejected holy and righteous one in favor of unjust murderer; Now
they put to death Prince of life while asking for release of one who took
life. This designation means
one Who is the orginator or beginner of something. In this sense He is the
author of salvation (Heb 2:10) but also the soyrce of
all life (Jn 1:4; 5:26). However, His death was not
the end since God raised Him from the dead vs. 15. That was a fact to which Peter
and the apostles were witnesses (1 Cor 15). Just like
Jesus said, they would be witnesses of Christ first in Jerusalem (1:8). So
their guilt is enormous and the mrder unsuccessful.
Because Jesus is truly the Prince of Life, and He was alive, on the basis of
faith in His name vs. 16 this man was healed. Peter and John’s faith in
Jesus Christ was the basis for this healing. It is the faith of the healer, the
apostles, not the faith of those healed, that the gift of healing operated. So,
this lame man now healed was living proof to everyone that their evelaution of Jesus had been wrong! The apostle’s testimony
was undeniable. In spite of the nations rejection of Christ there is still hope
for them vs. 17. They had acted in ignorance and even Jesus had said on the
cross, Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing (Lk 23:34). Their ignorance was inexcusable because the
evidence that Jesus is deliverer was clear. Yet they were not beyond the reach
of God’s grace. God can still be merciful.
(5) Christ vs. 18 Their rejection and execution of Jesus was part of the
plan of God for them. As unthinkable as it was, God had announced all of this
generations before it happened thru His prophets and was now fulfilled (Isa 53; Psa 22; Zech 12:10). God
uses even evil intentions to fulfill His own purposes (Gen 50:20). Jesus
crucifixion was in the plan of God. Since we cannot know or see it may seem all
is lost when in reality God is working out His plan in your life.
All throughout the Bible Gods spokesmen have
called for repentance. It is a change of mind resulting in a change of action.
After the abundant evidence that Israel had reached wrong conclusion about
Jesus Christ they are asked to reverse their verdict and place their faith in
Him. This would result in: (1) Sins being wiped away vs. 19 The only way to forgiveness is thru faith in Jesus Christ
like ink wiped off a document. (2) The kingdom will come vs. 19 Not only an individual result but a collective one
too. Times of refreshing is millennial kingdom (Eze
34:26; Joel 2:26) and (Rm 11:26) says it is fixed by
God’s own timetable. (Use prophecy material to describe this kingdom) not as a
man-made thing but from the presence of the Lord. Lack of repenting has delayed
this. (3) Messiah will return vs. 20-21 So
this kingdom follows Israel’s repentance (Rom 11:26; Zech 12:10-14:9). Until
then Jesus remains in heaven. This information was not new but had been spoken
by God’s prophets (2 Pt 1:21). (4) Judgment would be avoided vs. 22-24 As an example of a prophet we have Moses who warned of
consequences of rejecting Messiah (Dt 18:19).
Rejection results in lose of Covenant guarantees. They would forfeit God’s
promises and not only Moses but all the prophets God sent warned the people of
this. God had made all this clear and never stuttered. (5) Blessing will be
realized vs. 25-26 That blessing was still
available for them and everyone since Jesus raised. It’s obtained by repenting.