The Fruit of Commitment

Deuteronomy 26

Jerry A Collins




v        What should we show to God as evidence of our maturity?

v        Who should we consistently support with our gifts?

v        What should we regularly pray for?


When it is all said and done, what is it that you have produced with your life? Where have you led others? How have you impacted others? Has God been glorified through you, your choices, your priorities, your marriage, your parenting, your ministry? Will you have any tangible fruit which reveals that you have taken possession of the position in life God has given to you? There should be some demonstrable results of your commitment to the Lord. Once again, Israel is reminded that they are approaching the land of Promise and about to enter into this land God has given to them. This reminder is forward looking in vs 1. It is about when they finally take possession, settle down and live in that land. That is still several battles away. They have not even entered it yet. But when they do and it becomes theirs, and peace not war, is the norm, they must perform two rituals so that they will keep their journey, their history and their future in proper perspective. We can learn the same perspective as we take possession of ours too.


In these verses we have a ceremony that was to be offered when they moved into the land and had their first harvest.

Give an offering 1-4 This ritual accompanied the firstfruits and it apparently was just this one time when they finally settled down in the land. The point is to do this to celebrate Israel’s transition from a nomadic existence to a settled group with a national identity made possible by the Lord’s favor upon them. So, they were to take the initial produce from the first harvest in the land as a testimony to the Lord’s faithfulness in giving what it was He had promised all along. A land flowing with milk and honey. A land that could sustain them with bounty. This was done before the priests, in Jerusalem—God’s representatives in the nation. So, from the very beginning of their new life, each person in the entire nation had the opportunity to come before the Lord individually and confess his or her faith in God and His ability to provide for them in this new land. The priest took the basket in recognition of your offering, set it before the Lord and then returned it to you. God is recognized, the people’s faith is revealed and the ceremony goes on.

Give a confession 5-10 The offerer was to repeat a memorized statement, a brief statement of their history as a people. This confession zeroed in on two themes: (1) Their helpless situation before God intervened 5-7. They confessed they had a fragile beginning. Their ancestor was a wandering or ‘perishing’ Aramean. Abe traveled to Canaan while most of family remained behind. Isaac was threatened by usurper Ishmael. Jacob was 130 yrs old when departed to Egypt with few, numbering 70 in his clan living in a foreign country. Egyptians mistreated them—harshly and afflicted—but they still grew in number. They cried out of their affliction, their oppression and their toil! Nothing short of miraculous that they survived and flourished in spite of small beginnings, wandering, vagabonds, enslaved. So, who gets the credit for shepherding these helpless ones into a full-fledged nation of people? (2) They confessed God’s powerful protection 8-10. God heard their cry, and brought them out of their helpless and vulnerable condition and brought them into the new land vs 8. God did this they confessed, by His mighty hand and outstretched arm—showing His power and strength. Which included miraculous signs and wonders—phenomena that made it clear it was God who delivered them! No-one else could ever get the credit! The whole point of this confession: to underscore God’s miraculous work at every turn in their history! So, now, it is more than appropriate that after centuries of suffering and hardship that every family and all in the land of Israel rejoiced together over the incredible favor the hand of God provided for them vs 11! So, there comes a time when we are no longer new believers—but have progressed toward spiritual adulthood for some time. We ought to be able to pray and say to God, ‘I have taken possession of my position now’—the one you have given me in my life—just as Israel went into the land and settled down and took possession of it. Then we should be able to confess, I have pointed my family and disciples in the direction of godly living. Remembering our spiritual heritage, once helpless and lost but God’s grace changed all of that. We should now be able to bring  some tangible good fruit to Him to show to the Lord. That fruit might include things like godly children, godly converts, godly character. It has not been easy getting here. Actually, it has been difficult—like Israel’s journey out of Egypt—but God gets all of the credit for these good fruits I bring.


Here we have a ceremony of giving associated with committed heart.

Offering and prayer 12-15 This ceremony was in form of an offering made after Israel’s first three years in the land vs 12, followed by giving to support the poor, widows, orphans, full-time servants of God. This ceremony was also in a memorized statement in the form of a prayer to God: (1) I have removed the sacred things and given it to God 13. Giving is a recognition that all I have belongs to God. (2) I have given it to the Levites and needy. Our giving to God includes supporting God’s servants and those in need. (3) I have not transgressed or forgotten God’s commandments. God expects us to follow Him specifically not approximately. (4) I have not eaten it while mourning nor removed it when unclean, nor offered it for the dead—while unclean because prepared meal of a funeral 14. Our giving comes with a proper heart attitude joyfully given from heart of gratitude and thanksgiving to God. (5) I have done according to all that God has commanded 14. My giving is a reflection of my obedience to all of God expectations and commands for me. So, we should regularly pray these five things before the Lord.

Heart commitment 16-19 Here is a call for total commitment by declaring your intention to fully comply from your heart and soul-this is your true desire—to walk, to keep and to listen. A full and complete devotion to all that God wants for you 16-17. Every time you study God’s Word, this should be your attitude. For Israel, it meant that they formally accepted all of the terms of the covenant between them and God. For us, it means we believe God’s Word is sufficient and binding upon us. So we believe it, study it and obey it. In 18-19, God then obligated Himself based upon their commitment has declared their special status and value to God. He will exalt them above all other nations. For us, God has promised to reward our obedience. He has determined our level of wealth here on earth but He allows us to determine our level of wealth in heaven by our obedience to Him.

1. The maturity of an adult believer in Christ who has been a believer for some time will be connected to his or her involvement in prayer and giving.

2. Our commitment to God is expressed by our clear-cut obedience to His Word.

3. We should have spiritual fruit to offer.