a Piece of the Action
A Collins
Are we to win the world for Christ or be
a witness of Christ to the world?
Where is our Samaria today that we are to
Was Simon a believer or unbeliever?
Recently I was mesmerized as
I watched the Master’s Golf tournament, the first major golf tournament of the
year. The drama unfolded the last nine holes of the fourth and last round. The
winner, Mike Weir, won in a playoff. While receiving his award afterward, he
said he used to practice hitting balls into lake
Huron, being from Ontario, Canada, dreaming of playing in the Masters. He
wanted a piece of the action we could say. I also dreamed of being part of the
Masters action while watching it that day. There is an awful lot of action
taking place in Acts 8 as the church begins to expand from Jerusalem. What can
we learn about wanting a piece of that action?
This persecution was signaled by Stephen’s
martyrdom. This section begins with persecution and
ends with proclamation. Ironically, this opposition was God’s method of
fulfilling His promise in 1:8. Tho opposed to God’s
thoughts, Saul becomes the instrument God uses for His own purposes. That the church may be a witness of Christ to the world.
That witness now includes Judea and Samaria! There was still a church in
Jerusalem but now it would spread to the surrounding districts. The apostles
are singled out as remaining in Jerusalem leaving the primary Jewish influence
there while loosing her Jewish distinctiveness the church spread further away.
Some courageous people took time to bury Stephens body
with loud lamentation, amounting to a public protest of his death vs. 2 and in
contrast Saul was making havoc of the church. It sounds like the tactics of Sadaam Hussein. (1) This forces the church out of Jerusalem
(2) makes the church depend upon God and not the apostles who God had sent. God
used these circumstances to teach the new community of faith to wider her
testimony of Christ in new areas of ministry vs. 4. God does the same thing
with us when he forces us to move along to new opportunities, new ministries,
new locations, new relationships. It also widens our
testimony and impact for Christ.
Yesterday, I was scattering
grass seed in several bare spots in my yard. It is like God is reaching down
into his seed-filled sack, Jerusalem, and is flinging His seed into His field
so that this seed might become fruitful where it lands. Philip illustrates the
impact of the fruitfulness of just one of these seeds. Here is the first
instance of the Gospel’s efforts to break down ‘race’ barriers and unite men of
diverse nations into a single body. Philip ‘went down’ and spiritually he was
one who ‘went down’. (1) He condescended in accepting waiting on tables in Acts
6; (2) in his willingness to witness to but one single person in the desert
after successful city evangelism; (3) as a Jew lowering self in preaching to
Samaritans going down to their city, a place Jews avoided. (4) Yet message of
Christianity is of One who ‘came down’ to meet our
need. First, they heard the truth and listened to it vs. 6. Second, he
confirmed his message with miracles. There was clear evidence of the power of
God in His life. Wherever the gospel goes, there is liberty! Third, There was a lot of joy vs. 8. Instead of resentment and
bitterness against him as
a Jew God gave them joy. Evidence that this was
a work of God. Racial barriers are set aside. The gospel is not designed
for a Jew as a Jew but for a
man as man, created in the image of God. It is for the whole
Here Samaria and Jerusalem
are to be contrasted. While Jerusalem has rebellion and unbelief it was not
afflicted with superstitiousness and sorcery. It
seems that in pagan ignorant religion, superstition and magic prevail. Where
the truth is known, even tho disobeyed,
it’s Power still tends to drive these things
underground. (1) Here we can see the density of that darkness. Sorcery or magic which is the use of supernatural forces to control
and/or manipulate nature for personal uses contrary to God. First, this
delusion knew no bounds of class or status vs. 10. From the
smallest to the greatest. Second, it had proved to be tenacious and
enduring vs. 11. Simon had gotten attention for a long time. While boasting he
was someone great vs. 9, the people agreed with him vs. 10. (I just heard of a
church pastor being challenged about his teaching and someone commented that
maybe the hypnosis has finally been broken referring to hios
hold over the people). (2) The liberating power of the gospel 12-13. The kingdom of God is
mightier than the kingdom of darkness. Baptism a decisive
step for Samaritans renouncing their former superstitions and linking with name
of Jesus. Both they and Simon believed and were baptized. Everyone comes
to the kingdom the same way! (3) A contrast between the past and the present
14-17. Whereas in Simon they thot they had ‘the great
power’ now in the HS they really did find that. They are about to receive the
HS from the hands of the apostles. This unusual method,
different than today for believers who receive the HS immediately, happened for
at least 3 reasons. (1) Authenticated this new work of God to the
apostles. (2) Philip’s ministry validated God working amongst the Samaritans.
God does some strange stuff! (3) Prevented schism and rivalry. Had the HS been given there exactly same time as in Jerusalem may
have solidified Samariatn error of down-grading the
place of God’s name and kept both groups separate. Fact that apostles
came gave official welcome and recognition to both groups that God was in this.
A debated issue, Simon was a believer. (1) He
believed just like all the others had 12-13. (2) He brings into his Xian life,
as we do, the erroneous outlook of his past 18-19. Since money had secured the
exercise of his powers in the past he thot it could
now secure God’s as well. (3) Peter warns him of what he is heading for vs. 20
of the ruin to his life and soul which such an attitude would bring. Like Annanias and Sapphira had. (4)
Elevating money in one’s heart makes it suspect before God and unable to
participate in what it is God is doing vs. 21. (5) A heart enamored of money
will be poisoned by the sorrows and disappointments it will bring (1 Tim
6:9-10). Perhaps this severe language results from the severity of Annanias and Sapphira being fresh
in mind of Peter. (6) The only remedy there is, is to repent vs. 22, no
forgiveness without it. Simon’s quick response was a sign that he had vs. 24.
(Unlike A & S) While ’simony’ has become a name for a corrupt practice,
Simon did not deserve it. It is even possible that his request for prayer from
Peter meant that the remainder of his life was fruitful,
a prayer God was likely to answer from Peter.