A Place in Heaven
Daniel 12
Jerry A Collins
How distressful will the time of the end become?
What is to be the length of the time of the end?
What is to be the outcome of the time of the
We spend an awful lot of time
waiting and anticipating things to happen. We do this for the possible
promotion we may receive. We wait for an answer to our prayers. We are waiting
right now for the holidays to arrive. We are still waiting for the Detroit
lions to win the super bowl. We wait for the doctors
appointment we have scheduled. Like many others we also find ourselves waiting
for and anticipating the end of things. In Daniel 12 it is anticipating the
time of the end. What is going to happen in the end? What will it be like when
the end of all things approaches? In this passage Daniel leaves a record of a
message he received about the time of the end when history will culminate in
the grand scheme of God’s sovereign
plan for the ages. Everything here is about that end.
(1) It is the time of the end between distress and deliverance vs 1. Let’s
look at the character of this period of time. First, with the presence of Michael, the time of Israel’s troubles begins. Apparently, Michael, the
guard of the nation of Israel,
will arise to carry out this great distress or tribulation period. Second, this tribulation is something
which has never happened before. This seems to coincide with what Matt 24:21
calls a great tribulation not occurring since the beginning of the world. This
also seems to be the same period described in Revelation 12:7ff with Michael
casting Satan out of heaven and 3 and a half years of great tribulation fall
upon Israel. Third,
people found in the book will be delivered or rescued. We know at least that
this includes the 2 witnesses and the 144000 Jewish evangelists who will be
preaching during this time of distress in Israel
(Rev 11-14). Notice these are in the book in heaven at the writing of Daniel
when they won’t even be born for
thousands of years. This then will be a period of contrast between distress and
(2) It is the time of the end for the wise and the wicked vs 2-3. It is a contrast between those who have insight
and those who are disgraced. Between those resurrected to everlasting life and
reward and those resurrected to everlasting contempt. Many will lose their
lives during these events but they are promised a reward in vs
3 that will be theirs forever and have them stand out as special in God’s everlasting kingdom. This may be
referring to those killed during this unprecedented time of distress,
the great tribulation just before Christ’s
second coming. The resurrection of the church happens at the rapture 7 yrs
before this (1 Thess 4:13-18; 1 Cor
15:50f). We also know of an eternal damnation judgment in Rev 20:11-15 when everyone ever born not found in the
book of life will be cast into everlasting contempt. There are only two
alternatives. The Bible is consistent with this message. This has to be one of
the clearest references in the Old Testament to everlasting life and
resurrection. And it is still the message today. There is a separation here for
sure. It begins in this life. The real issue is how did we respond to his message, the gospel? What it is you are
going to be resurrected to? Glorification or judgment?
Jesus said in John 5:28-29 that this would be so for an hour is coming in which all who are in the tombs shall hear his
voice and shall come forth; those who did good to a
resurrection of life, those who committed the evil to a resurrection of
judgment. The answer Jesus said in Jn 6:28 is This is the work of
God that you believe in Him whom he has sent! So it matters how you respond
and what you believe.
(3) It is the time of the end between that which is hidden and that
which is revealed 4ff. First, Daniel
is to conceal the words and seal them up until the end times. This is the
opposite of what John was to do in Revelation 1:3 & 22:10. There the words are to be read and heard and
heeded for the time is near! So the idea of Daniel’s writing is that the time is not near. At John’s writing the time is near. So at the time
of Daniel the events of this great period of tribulation will not take place
during his age, the OT period. For John, this period of distress will take
place in his age, the period of the church age so there is no longer a need to
conceal and seal up this prophecy since it will now be fulfilled. These last
days will be characterized by a rapid increase in knowledge going here and
there to seek knowledge but the book of Daniel will prove to be a great value
to those living during this period for it gives insite
into the events taking place around them. Second, Daniel sees a figure clothed
in linen 5-6. One with this figure asks a question. What will be the length of
this period of
incredible distress? The answer is two-fold. It includes the duration of
time but also the purpose for the great tribulation. First, the time is stated
at a time, times and half a time vs 7. This is
generally understood to mean a period of three and a half years. This same
phrase was used in Dan 7:25 and in
Dan 4:16-32 where it is used of
years. In Rev 12:13 a time, times
and half a time refers to the great tribulation equaling 1260 days in Rev 12:6
and the 42 months in Rev 11:2 al referring to the same period of time. This
final ruler will reign for 7 yrs, the 70th week in Dan 9:27, the 1st
half or 3 and a half yrs peaceful for Israel
because of a firm covenant he makes with them. But in the middle of this week he will put a stop to sacrifice and make
desolate…even until a complete destruction is poured out… and
the last 3 and a half yrs a great tribulation. Second, the suffering will end
when its purpose has been fulfilled vs 7b. Israel’s power will be broken by Antichrists
ruthless power and then all these events will be completed. Like all sinners
unbelieving Israel’s
self-righteousness and sufficiency turns them from God but God will use this
unprecedented distress to press them beyond limits of their own sufficiency to
turn them back to God for deliverance. 3 and a half years is the measure of
Israel’s final stubbornness that turns
the nation back to God broken and repentant in
faith and hope in Messiah. A second question is now asked by Daniel what will be the outcome? He is not
told everything but something. First, there are 2 kinds of people—those purged & refined & understanding (the ones rescued and
shining brightly in vs 1-2). The others are wicked
and even more so. Tribulation tends to make good people better and bad people
worse. During the great tribulation for instance, men are scorched with fierce
heat and later huge hailstones come down from heaven—yet in both cases it says and
they blasphemed the name of God..and
they did not repent so to give God glory. The wicked confirmed in their
wickedness when they should have cried out to God for deliverance! Second, when
Antichrist breaks the treaty and stops sacrifices 3 and a half yrs later (vs 11), will be 1260 days plus 30 possibly announcing this
30 days before it happens. Then an additional 45 days later
(1335 total days in vs 12) this period officially
over with Christ beginning his reign on the earth. A
time worth waiting for and a blessing for Israel and all the earth (Eze 40-48). Daniel did not understand it. We understand ir more because we have Matthew and Revelation but we don’t see it very clearly either. As for Daniel: (1) go to the end—live out rest of your life (2) then you will die, enter your rest (3)
but you will rise again and (4) you will be rewarded at end of age.
God rules in affairs of men. Pilate was exasperated with Christ and defiantly
said I have authority to release and crucify but Jesus told him his authority
was only given to him from above Jn 19:10-11.
God delegates his authority to angels, Satan people. God sets the parameters.
Antichrists authority is given to him Rev 13
God holds all responsible for the evil he lets them do.
History will end according to God’s plan.
We can rest on wisdom of God’s ways.